Friday, July 1, 2011

Countdown: 10 days and contractions

I had my weekly doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon. I'm now right at 38 weeks and about 10 days from the scheduled c-section. I've gotten very used to the waiting room and had my water and book, ready to relax and take a break from mommyhood for a little while. Ha! The one time I'm looking forward to the wait, I didn't even get the chance to read 1 page in my book! Apparently yesterday was a very good day for my doctor and she was right on schedule. When does that ever happen?!?

So anyways, in spite of my disappointment in not getting to relax very long... everything checked out good at the appointment. Aaron's heartbeat is sticking in the 140s, my weight gain has slowed (but that's very normal this late in the pregnancy) and everything else checked out ok. The doc asked about my plans for the holiday weekend and said she'd see me at my next appointment.

And then we fast forward to 3 am...

Contractions. I woke up having mild contractions around 3 in the morning. I tried going back to sleep, but they were pretty strong in my back so after monitoring myself for a bit I woke up Jonathan to warn him (and for some company - it's awfully lonely having contractions while your husband is sleeping peacefully!). I never charted anything, but they were sometimes 5 minutes apart and other times as much as 30. I was able to doze for around 30-45 minutes around 5, but pretty much didn't get any solid sleep after 3 this morning.

With the contractions being so random and mild, I called my mom to come over and help me with Caleb and Jonathan went to work, hoping at least to attend a 9:00 meeting. When the doctor's office opened at 8:30 I went ahead and called. With all the talk about my c-section, I never bothered to ask what I should do if I were to actually go into labor. (I know the procedure for having a natural birth, but should I really go through labor pains all day if I'm already having a c-section?) They had me go ahead and come in to the office for monitoring, so I got off the phone and called Jonathan so he could come home and go to the doctor with me. He was at work for an hour, but left 10 minutes before that 9:00 meeting! Sorry babe, Aaron had other ideas for your schedule!

After being "checked" and monitored for about an hour, my doctor decided it was best to send me home for now. While I am having contractions (around every 8 minutes), they are mild and not doing much to start labor. She would really like for me to make it to 39 weeks just to give Aaron a little more time for his lungs to develop. I understand her reasoning, but would have loved to meet our little man today. I guess I should be patient and wait for him to be ready. She said if my contractions become stronger to go into the hospital, but to try and take it easy this weekend.

Jonathan and I came back home, had lunch, and then I took a nap. I'm still having contractions and my back has been aching all day, but it's nothing even remotely unbearable. I have no idea if Aaron is going to be coming this weekend or if he's going to wait until the 11th...we're just playing the waiting game for now!

Please be praying for Jonathan and I to make the right decisions as far as when to go in to the hospital. It's so hard to know what's best! Caleb could also use some prayers. We aren't sure if this morning just threw him off or if he just woke up grumpy (he seemed to be in a mood the moment he woke up), but it's been a tough day for him too. He's been much more fussy than usual and I really can't love on him as much as I'd like to with the contractions coming and going.

It's been a long day, but we just ordered some Italian food for dinner and Caleb asked to watch Wall-E for a while, so we're going to relax and take it easy while we see what baby Aaron has in mind!

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