Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Caleb The Big Boy

I have been amazed watching Caleb during the last week. He is definitely becoming more of a two year old and less of a toddler each day. I don't mean that in the "terrible twos" sort of way, just that he is becoming more independent, more intentional with his play time and generally more focused. I'm sure this change has been gradually occurring, but, having this time to observe him more, I've really started to see it.

Here are some of the ways we are seeing the "Big Boy" emerge:

Helping Uncle Thomas unload his new trains. 
Caleb LOVES his trains. As a toddler, I would have expected things everywhere... but he's very focused on the trains going on the tracks and seeing how everything works. 
The story behind this balloon: Caleb has been aware that it was "up" and it slowly is drifting down. While it was tied to a chair he kept telling it "up" one day and getting in the chair to help it! When we took it down for him to play with it, he studied it going up and down. 
Reading with Daddy. Caleb has always loved books. But we've noticed that he has begun to study books more and really see the pictures, not just quickly glance at them. 
We gave Caleb a kitchen set around 2 weeks ago. He is very imaginative with it and likes to mimic what Mommy and Daddy do in the kitchen. He fills the water cup with the fridge, cuts fruits and veggies, and brings us food to eat.

It's amazing to watch him slowly growing up. He's been playing well on his own, but certainly enjoys time with Mommy and Daddy. I had the opportunity to sit on the floor with him yesterday while he sat in my lap and we watched a movie together. He's been enjoying Jonathan being home and has been finding lots of ways to spend time with him too.

We sure do love our Big Boy : )

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