Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Aaron: 1 Week Old!

Our sweet little boy is already a week old! Was it really a whole week ago that I was excited and nervous about meeting him? Wow - as always, time flies!

Aaron's 1-week check up was yesterday. Here is his info:

Weight: 7 lbs 2 oz (Babies are supposed to get back to their birth weight by 2 weeks...Aaron is already 2 oz away from that so the doctor is extremely pleased at his gain) Just some info for me: birth weight 7 lbs 4 oz, discharge weight 6 lbs 10 oz

Check-up: Everything is looking really good. He had slight yellowing (VERY slight) when we left the hospital, but has gotten pinker : ) Eyes, ears, nose all checked out great. When he was born, Aaron had a small blister on the end of his tongue. We are pretty sure it's from sucking on his hand/arm before he was born. It hasn't grown, but we're watching it in hopes that it at least gets smaller during the next week before his 2 week check-up. It doesn't seem to bother him and hasn't affected his eating, but it is something we're keeping an eye on.

Besides that, I just have some general observations:

Routine - we certainly have no routine or schedule, but I'm seeing patterns emerging already. Aaron definitely set himself up for an eat, play, sleep routine. He eats for about 20 minutes total and then is ready to be awake for a while. His alert time varies from 20 to 40 minutes. During that time he likes to be held, but doesn't fuss...just wants to look around and observe things. He definitely fights falling asleep, but not in a fussy way. More in a "fighting to keep his eyes open" way. It's cute to watch him slowly loose the battle : ) Once he's asleep, he typically transfers easily to the bouncy seat and stays there until he wakes up and it's time to eat again. This cycle lasts anywhere from 2 1/2 to 4 hours.

Temperament - So far, Aaron has been very easy going. He cries during diaper changes, bath time, and if he's hungry and we're not fast enough. He gets a little fussy if he's awake and wants to be held. Other than that, he's pretty relaxed (and let's face it - we would fuss over those things too!). If he does start to get fussy, his paci usually calms him down.

Ok...that's it for reading...I know the pictures are really what everyone wants to see : )

Aaron naturally puts his arms like this while I burp him... I happen to sleep with my arms similar to this, so I find it VERY adorable!  
Random moment with both of my boys
Jonathan is such a patient Daddy! Helping with the paci
On the way to his 1st doctor's appointment 
Our 1st family outing! Jonathan pushed a cart and I used our new stroller! 
Caleb kept turing around to check on Aaron (who slept the whole time) 
Sleeping after we got home (We just unbuckled him, but left him in the car seat - he slept like this for over an hour)
Aaron's 1st tummy time. He did great! Lasted around 5 minutes on his tummy before he started to fuss and then we rolled him over and he spent probably around 10 minutes on his back just looking around. 

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