Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Deck (Part 3)

More updates on the deck!

Jonathan and Dad are continuing to work on the deck. It's become more difficult as our weather has gotten hotter. Most days they have to stop working by lunch time because it's really too hot to be working outside. Since my last post about the deck, we've also had a few more activities/events on the weekends that have kept us busier.

My last post was at the end of last month and the guys almost had all the support beams done.  The following weekend was our Mullinnix family reunion, so we weren't home for anything to get done on the deck. I'm only counting weekends that we were available to get things that leaves us on:

Weekend 7: Jonathan finished the support beams and bought some of the deck boards (he goes through the whole stack of boards to make sure he only gets nice looking this in itself has taken quite a bit of time)
Weekend 8: Jonathan and Dad started laying deck boards (It was a REALLY hot day, so they had to call it quits earlier than they wanted)
Weekend 9: Finished laying boards on the lower deck

Weekend 7: Finishing the support beams with Tiger's help. The boards up front weren't attached yet, just laid out to get an idea of what was coming!

Weekend 9: (Friday) The boards closest to the back door had already been fastened into place. My Dad came over and cut boards the correct length so they could fasten more on Saturday. 

Weekend 9: Saturday evening, we got to enjoy the lower deck for the first time! 

This afternoon, Jonathan and my dad have plans to go purchase more deck boards. They are hoping to get enough to do the top deck next weekend. While all the boards are down on the lower deck, Jonathan still has to go back and put in more screws to keep it secure.

There's still a lot to be done, but I'm super excited that we can use the lower deck already! I can't wait to start putting my pots in place and put out some outdoor furniture!

On a side note, Caleb is beginning to have a tough time with Jonathan working outside most Saturdays. This weekend, Katy and I spent some time together while the guys were still working outside. I think Caleb enjoyed having someone to play with besides Mommy! Aunt Katy is a good tower building helper : )

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