Monday, June 6, 2011

Big Boy Bed - Day 1

I keep having to warn myself that at some point this transition is going to hit some bumps, but so far it's been seamless!

I worried all morning about Caleb's first nap in his toddler bed. After he got mad last night about being in the crib, Jonathan and I agreed that I would at least try. I was prepared for constantly getting up and me having to put him back in the crib to hopefully get some kind of nap.

When we went upstairs for nap, I asked Caleb if he wanted to sleep in his big boy bed and he ran to it as fast as he could! I told him he had to stay in his bed, no getting up, and then left the room. I sat on the couch upstairs and not two minutes later he crawled out of bed. (Thank goodness for video monitors!) I went back in, calmly took his hand and put him back in bed and said, "If you don't stay in your bed, you will have to sleep in your crib." He replied, "no". So I left him and sat on the couch upstairs again, ready to get up as soon as he crawled out of bed. I watched him talk to his bear for a few minutes, sit up and look around, and then lay down and go to sleep. I was sure he'd wake up after a few minutes and we'd be doing the same thing over again, but he stayed asleep in his bed for his whole two hour nap!

I snuck in and took a picture of Caleb sleeping during naptime... I love how he curls up to sleep! (The light was off, the flash on my camera is just super bright!) 

I checked the monitor constantly during naptime, but he slept just fine. As he always does, he woke up a few times and moved/stretched, but he never got out of bed. When he woke up, he fussed for a minute and then started talking to bear again. I couldn't believe he even stayed in his bed until I came to get him!

Cute boy right after I came to get him from his nap! 
Since naptime went so well, we decided to try bedtime in his bed too. I was a little more concerned about this time because he wasn't acting very tired yet. Jonathan put him in his bed and, except for a brief attempt at escape before Jonathan even left the room, Caleb never got out of his bed! He laid there talking and playing for around 40 minutes and then fell asleep.

Like I said before, I'm not taking this lightly. I'm sure we'll have some tough days, but I'm so glad that our first day went so well!

UPDATE: Caleb did great all night! Around 11, he started to fuss and Jonathan saw him (on the monitor) scoot out of bed and start crawling on the floor. We are pretty sure he was searching for bear and not really completely awake. (He was crying while doing this) Jonathan went upstairs and helped Caleb get back in bed. He laid awake for around 20 minutes, but didn't get out of bed and fell back asleep on his own. That was the only disturbance. When he woke up this morning, he stayed in bed until Mommy came up to get him at 7:30. On a personal note, it was so nice not having to lift him out of the crib this morning and, since he was already on the floor, he chose to walk down the stairs. He always wants me to carry him in the mornings and it's getting more difficult.

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