Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2012

Today we celebrated Easter! This is one of my favorite days, to celebrate our Savior who suffered all the wrath we should have met simply because he loves us. What an amazing truth. It's important to me that the boys grow up knowing that's the reason for Easter and that candy, the Easter bunny and egg hunts are simply some fun additions but never the focus. I hope we do well to balance it all and I hope as they get older we have less "balance" and more of the beautiful truth of salvation to focus on. There's nothing wrong with all the Easter "stuff", I just want them to know which is more important. 

We woke up to a few Easter treats and then headed off to church. We did our usual attending a service and then serving at the second service, so we made it home around lunch time. We had a small lunch and put Aaron down for his nap before we headed over to Grandma Mal's house for a quiet Easter meal with her, Aunt Laura and Uncle Drew. It was a nice, calm day with plenty of down time to keep us from being exhausted. We had a nice dinner with family and did an egg hunt before a quick thunderstorm hit this evening. We even skyped with Uncle Roger and family in Iowa before saying our goodbyes to head home. 

Easter Baskets! Each of the boys got a Lego/Duplo set, pajamas,
Annie's crackers, and an Easter book. They also got a coloring book to share.
Finally a descent family picture! 
Jonathan was in picture taking mode so he snapped a few good ones of me and the boys! 
Another great one! 
My sweet husband and I! 
I was in the mood to play some Easter turn didn't last long! 
I like the individual fingers playing instead of banging their's progress! 
Caleb did his first C scale completely on accident today! I'm a proud Momma!
Aunt Laura's Birds Nest dessert
Lucy watching us eat
Everyone at the dinner table (minus Aaron...I don't think he sat very long!)
Egg Hunt
Caleb is getting really good at this! 
Aaron looking for more
Lucy wanted to help
Aunt Laura and Uncle Drew watching...they'll get to have their own Easter hunting
fun next year! 
Aunt Laura helping Aaron reach
The best Grandma picture we've gotten in a while
Uncle Drew napping during the rain
Aaron found this doll upstairs and wanted to feed it
Carrying the baby
Feeding the baby. So cute, I've never seen him with a doll before...
and before anyone says it, NO, we're not having a baby! 
My sweet boy and I
Tired boy on the five minute drive home
I love how he sits in the car! He's just like his Momma
We had a great Easter Sunday today. I hope everyone else did too! I can't believe April starts tomorrow, March sure did fly by. Looking forward to more Spring fun!

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