Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Deck (Part 1)

Jonathan has begun his first MAJOR project for our home. He's painted, done a few minor repairs, and fixed things up a bit but he is now working on a long term project! He is building what I'm positive will be a beautiful deck in the backyard!

When we first moved in, we knew we would eventually like to have more than the tiny concrete slab back there, but weren't sure when we would be able to afford to do anything big. We realized this spring was a good time to do the project and I am trying to patiently wait as progress occurs!

My Dad has been a huge help in this project and has spent many hours talking things out with Jonathan and helping with plans. (As well as several hours of physical labor - thanks Dad!) They are working things out and taking the time to plan, measure, measure a second time (and sometimes a third and fourth) so that everything comes together in the end.

I want to document the project, so as work is accomplished, I plan on posting pictures so that we can remember the work that went into this deck for years to come!

Weekend 1: First physical step - remove grass! 

Weekend 1: Jonathan had a viewing audience for this part! 

Weekend 2: Digging holes for the support posts. The first few holes were done  with a post hole digger (lots of manual labor)

Weekend 2: Putting in the first support post. 

Weekend 2: After a few holes they realized a power tool would make this job MUCH easier! 

Weekend 2: The "one man auger" really needed 2!  

Weekend 2: Caleb watching from a distance. The auger was rather loud, but Caleb was ok as long as Mommy was close by.
The work so far has been:

Weekend 1 - remove grass
Weekend 2 - A LOT of planning, digging holes
Weekend 3 - cementing in around 1/2 of the post holes (I forgot to take pictures of the work this weekend)

Like I said before, I'm working on patiently waiting for the deck! The planning and time going into it are sure to pay off in the end... until then, I'll keep updating the blog as work is accomplished!

And to finish off this post - a video of Caleb "helping" Jonathan clean up around the holes!

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