Sunday, May 8, 2011

30 Weeks

Only 9 more weeks until Aaron will be here! WOW! That's so exciting!

I'm now going in for doctor appointments every two weeks (which means lots of reading time in the waiting room!). It's really hard to believe I'm already at that point in my pregnancy. I know I've said it before, but where is the time going?

I started to type that not much has changed since my last post, but I paused to read it and realized A LOT has changed!

Movement: 4 weeks ago I said that Aaron doesn't move much. HA - he's already making a liar out of me! For the past week or two he has been extremely active. My belly is constantly dancing, moving, making sudden movements, etc. While I LOVE the feeling, it's beginning to get really uncomfortable! Earlier today I would poke one spot and I could swear he was poking back at me! My Dad even watched my belly move for a little while!

Weight Gain: I've now gained around 10 lbs. I'm still at a net loss, but I'm glad I've started to gain more again. I don't know why I only gained 1 pound last month, but I made up for it with 5 this month!

Me: I'm definitely getting more tired now. By mid-afternoon, my right leg and my lower back start to hurt. I'm also have braxton hicks contractions pretty much daily (but not painful and not with any kind of regularity). I'm not complaining, this is all part of being pregnant, but it's interesting how different the second pregnancy is compared to the first! I guess chasing after a toddler all day really makes a difference in how my body is reacting!

Preparation: After setting up my craft room upstairs last year, we decided that would be the best room for Aaron! So, we have to paint the empty room, move my craft stuff into that room, paint what is currently the craft room and then set it up as Aaron's nursery. My sweet sister came over on Saturday and completed step one of that process (painting the empty room)! We are incredibly grateful to her and she has offered to come over next weekend to paint the other room! Jonathan will work this week on moving the furniture so that it's ready for her when she comes. Isn't it so sweet that she has offered to paint two weekends in a row!

Well, that's really all the pregnancy related updates I can think of! We're slowly getting ready for Aaron even though time isn't moving slowly at all! I'm sure we'll be ready by the time he gets here though!

Me (and Aaron) at 30 weeks. 
Caleb really isn't old enough to comprehend that there's a baby in Mommy's tummy and that's his brother..... but we've said "Aaron" and pointed to my stomach enough that he at least is making that connection. Today I asked him to give Aaron a kiss and this is what he did:

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