Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 1 and Christmas Eve

Our little family is busy this Christmas with 4 days in a row of festivities! I decided to split the days so that one post isn't too long, so here it goes!

On the 23rd, Jonathan's dad invited everyone over for dinner to celebrate Christmas early and for a little birthday celebration for Sarah. Jonathan has been very sick with a stomach bug, so he stayed home and Caleb and I went to enjoy some family time. We had a great time catching up with Aunt Laura, Uncle Drew, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Alex, Lana, Mark (Dao's son), Dao and Grandpa Ron! Being on my own with Caleb, I didn't remember to take many pictures, but did get one of Aunt Laura reading to Caleb. Notice where Caleb decided to stand during story time - that was all him! Crazy boy!

We enjoyed a yummy dinner and time to let Lana and Caleb play together. Unfortunately, Caleb's bedtime was pushed a little too late and we had a very cranky boy before I left, but he did ok. I enjoyed our first Christmas and watching Lana and Caleb play together!

The next day was Christmas Eve. Again, Jonathan was unable to join us, but Caleb and I went to my parents house for our traditional Christmas Eve soup night. GG and Mom made 5 different soups and we had lots of bread/crackers to go with them. Our cold front came through that evening, so temps were still fairly warm that afternoon. Caleb and I spent a while out on the patio with my parents before everyone else arrived. It was good for him to get some time outside and always fun to watch him studying the leaves around him.

Again, I didn't get any pictures, but I did take a video of GG and Caleb together. She's a pretty good GG!

I wish Jonathan could have joined us for our first two days of Christmas, but at least he was well enough to be with us Christmas day. I'll share more about that on the next post!

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