Thursday, December 16, 2010

Caleb's First Ear Infection

It seems like this is becoming common, but for the last two weeks we've had a sick household. I ended up with a sinus infection (which I blame on the constantly changing weather) and was out of commission for most of last week. Luckily, Jonathan stayed home one day and my mom came over on Friday to play with Caleb so I could rest. I would have to say this is the sickest I've been in quite some time, I even had to go to the dr to get some antibiotics. Thankfully, I am feeling better now besides I lingering cough that sounds worse than it really is.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for Caleb. He developed a cough over the weekend and I assumed he was coming down with the same thing I had. He threw up off and on Monday through Wednesday, but never often enough that I felt the need to rush him to the doctor. He kept down cheerios and pedialyte, so we watched him carefully, but didn't worry too much. This morning he suddenly got worse though. We were able to get him an appointment at his doctor's office and found out that he was at the end of the nasty flu that's been going around and had a minor ear infection in his left ear. We are actually very glad he hasn't been running the high fever most kids have with this flu. The doctor said we got him in at the perfect time.

Below are a few pictures of Caleb this week.... he obviously hasn't been feeling well. He's been very cuddly and hasn't played on his own in several days. He fell asleep against me at 6:45 this evening, so we put him to bed early. I'm hoping his antibiotics combined with lots of sleep will help him feel better soon. I hate for my baby to feel so bad! 

Sleeping on Daddy

Napping in the playroom, after taking a long nap in his crib....poor baby. 

Resting with Daddy while he plays the wii. 

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