Friday, April 23, 2010

Wisdom Teeth

I've been putting off having my wisdom teeth taken out for quite some time and I finally had to give in this week. My dentist first mentioned it my first year of college, but I thought to myself it wasn't a good time and I would do it it "when it was convenient". So, a few years later he mentioned it again and I was entering student teaching and thought, it's not a good time, I'll do it "when it's convenient". More time went by and I was newly married and about to move to League City, my dentist mentioned the wisdom teeth and I said again that I'd wait "when it's convenient".

Well, I soon realized "convenient" never happens. Especially not for oral surgery! So, last time I was at the dentist, he told me he was worried about my wisdom teeth having an effect on my other teeth and the possibility of lots of pain if I left them in too much longer. Never being one for pain, I decided I might as well get them out on my own terms. Jonathan and I talked and decided to go ahead and get them removed and that he would take a few days off work to take care of Caleb while I recovered.

Yesterday (Thursday) morning, my mom picked me up and brought me to my appointment. We're lucky that a great oral surgeon has an office around 5 minutes away from my house. The surgery went without complications and I was home by mid-morning. I had been extremely nervous before hand, but a peace came over me as I went into the office and knew everything would be fine.

Since then I've been home relaxing and resting. The medicines have made me tired, but I think I'm healing very well. My mouth is sore and I've napped off and on through yesterday and today. But I would say the pain and swelling have been minimal. They say swelling is the worst on days three and four, so we'll see how I look for church on Sunday! The hardest part now is that I feel fine, but if I hold Caleb he reaches for my face, and I can't have him poking my cheek! So I haven't had much time with him.

I think Jonathan is enjoying his time with Caleb though! He's taken care of him almost non-stop since yesterday morning and is doing a great job! My mom came over for a while this afternoon so Jonathan could go give a tour of NASA to some Aggies and I think she and Caleb had a good time. (I napped while she was here!)

I hate having a break from "normal", but I'm so glad my family can operate for a few days without me! So far I'm recovering well and my boys are doing great together. I can't wait for some REAL food though! I must be patient! Please be praying that my healing continues to go without problems and that Caleb keeps behaving well for Jonathan! And that when I can finally eat regular food again I can think of something really good as my first meal! I haven't figured out what sounds best yet, but I'll be dwelling on that while I'm sipping slim fast and eating grits!

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