Jonathan and I still get a little apprehensive about attempting dinner with Caleb, but I think he did pretty well. Our only problem was he was getting so tired because we were keeping him up past his usual bedtime, but he wasn't overly fussy and went to sleep very easily after we got home. While at the restaurant we let him sit on a bench with his book and he was happy for a while! He's so cute!
After getting back to our house, Caleb went to sleep in his crib and Eli went to sleep upstairs in our pack-n-play. The rest of us let Thomas open his gifts and then had cookie cake. How I have a brother that doesn't care for regular cake is beyond me, but the cookie cake was good! After everyone else left, the four of us stayed up way too late talking, but eventually pulled ourselves away from the living room to go to bed.
This morning the whole house was up early, well the adults anyways. Thomas took Kristen to her race before 6 and Jonathan and I were getting up to get ready for his baptism. Jonathan has been planning to be baptized for several months now. He was baptized as an infant, but recently decided that he wanted to be baptized again as a symbol of his personal relationship with Christ. Our friend, John, had the opportunity to baptize him during the early service this morning and my parents, Jonathan's mom and everyone in our small group came to support him. It was so moving seeing so many people gathered to be there for him.
After that we came back home and Thomas, Kristen and Eli returned from Kristen's race so they could get their things packed and ready to go. While they were here, we got to watch Eli learn how to hug (and say hug). He would only hug Caleb which was, of course, ADORABLE! He probably gave 10-15 hugs before he left for lunch! Caleb didn't seem to mind and we got a few pictures of the boys hugging! SO CUTE!
This afternoon I had a church meeting and we went to our small group bible study. After that we decided it was time to relax for the rest of the evening. While we played with Caleb, Jonathan let him stand at the window to look out. It looks like he's trying to escape!
We're not really sure we want Monday to come tomorrow, but we definitely filled our weekend with great times and memories!
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