Sunday, June 3, 2012

Shuttlebration & a Sprain

On Friday, the mock shuttle arrived! 

For those that have no idea what I'm talking about...since Florida was given one of the real shuttles, they sent us their display mock shuttle. I'm actually appreciative of not getting the real thing. If we had a real shuttle, all we could do was look at it. The mock shuttle is one that we will actually get to go inside of and explore. I'm sure Caleb would not be thrilled to simply look at the shuttle, so this will be much more exciting! 

After I worked out at the gym that morning, I saw on the news that the Kemah bridge would be shut down as the shuttle arrived. I hadn't considered how the barge carrying it would arrive, I just knew where it would end up. I called GG and asked if we would be able to see the barge from her house since she's right down the street from the bridge. She said we should, so I threw the boys in the car and went to GG & Papa's house to watch for the shuttle. 

We ate lunch and waited for it to come into our view. I noticed a helicopter flying around and commented on it....then GG said, "Is that it?"....haha, right below the helicopter was a white dot I hadn't even noticed. It started out coming toward us so we couldn't see the shuttle outline but as it got closer it was turned perfectly to the side. 

Loved the parade of boats! We watched the sail boats sit out and wait for it to arrive and then they all kind of fell in line behind it!
Caleb was using his "noclars" to see it!
I love this picture...just the view of a shuttle squeezing into a rather narrow water way next to the boardwalk with it's roller coaster and carnival rides!
So - we planned to go to "Shuttlebration" across from NASA where the shuttle would actually arrive on the barge that afternoon. We talked about it all week and Jonathan planned to come home early from work to collect us all and we would have fun cheering for our new shuttle! Unfortunately, that didn't happen : (

During my workout that morning, I stepped wrong on my left foot and rolled it to the side. At the time it hurt but I walked it off and didn't feel anything weird. I was only about half way through my class, so I kept going and then spent a few hours at GG and Papa's without any trouble. After I got home and put the boys down for a nap I realized there was a problem. By the time I was going down the stairs I was having to hobble and after I put ice on my foot it was swollen and I couldn't put any weight on it. Jonathan came home and my mom came to watch the boys while I went to get an x-ray. Turns out it was just a bad sprain, but I'm now on crutches and having to keep my foot elevated. 

I feel bad that Caleb and Jonathan didn't get to go to the Shuttlebration event, but in a few months the shuttle will be ready to walk thru and I'm sure that will be a lot of fun for Caleb (& Jonathan too)! Hopefully my ankle will just take a few days to heal and I'll be back to normal. I can't take too much more of this sitting and doing nothing! 

Side Note - Uncle Derrill went down to the boardwalk to get some closer pictures of the shuttle coming in. Here's one that he sent us that afternoon. So cool!

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