Monday, June 11, 2012

Aaron: 11 months today!

I CANNOT believe that Aaron is 11 months old today! Where on earth has the time gone? I feel like just yesterday he was starting to crawl and now he's already taking steps! 

 Aaron is always going! He rarely sits still and prefers to stand no matter what he's doing! At a family reunion just this weekend, Jenny said she's never seen a kid move so much...and he does it ALL DAY LONG! He's got the energy of three kids!

 Just a few weeks ago, he figured out how to go up the stairs. I'm sure he could have figured it out before, but he never seemed interested! As much as he's going all the time, he always froze at the bottom of the stairs and waited for us to get him! The baby gate is now always up because as soon as he sees the stairs, he's ready to go up!

 Aaron is FINALLY eating! I have never been so excited to see a kid eat food! He eats most anything we eat, just cut up really small. He also lets me feed him yogurt for breakfast. (He eats more yogurt than Caleb does in a sitting! - Can we say hollow leg?!?) There was a day when it suddenly clicked with him that he could/wanted to eat and it's been non stop since then. If he eats so much now, what's he going to be like in a few years? I'm interested to see how much he weighs at his one year checkup. Within two weeks of starting to eat, he really started to feel heavier.

 He now has six teeth! Four up top and two on bottom. These last two came in a little easier than the first, but they seemed to take forever! Poor guy just doesn't have it as easy as his brother did!

 He blows raspberries all day! I swear my carpet stays wet from the amount of drool this guys produces! Some of it is from teething, but a good portion is from the raspberries! Silly guy!

 Aaron has ZERO interest in baby toys. He only wants his big brother's things! It drives Caleb crazy...but there's not much that can be done about that!

 He loves to be down playing on the floor but if Momma or Dada walks by those arms immediately go up. He loves to be held and loved on and will get upset if we walk by without scooping him up! (Not that we don't have to do that sometimes...but he lets us know he's not happy when we do it!)

And last, but certainly not least...Aaron took his first steps 5 days before he turned 11 months old! He's not "walking" by any means, but he does occasionally take a step or two before falling. He's at most taken six steps in a row, but that's not his usual. He's not extremely interested in walking yet - crawling is much faster and he's got to keep up with his brother!

Beyond all that, he's gotten down to 4, 8 ounce bottles a day! I celebrated that one because it means formula lasts a little longer! Can't wait to ween him completely next month! He's also down to two naps a day. A late morning and early afternoon. (Although today he seems to be taking one REALLY long nap instead....I have no problem with that!)

Aaron is such a joy and a blessing! He's so much like his brother in some ways and completely opposite in others! I love this boy!

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