Friday, August 12, 2011

Aaron: 1 Month Old!

Yesterday Aaron officially turned 1 month old!

I can't believe it's been a whole month already, but at the same time, everything is feeling so natural and "normal" now that it's hard to believe it's only been a month! I never expected to so easily glide into this transition or for my own recovery to go so well. We really have been so blessed.

Aaron is a fairly easy baby still. He eats very well (and quickly which I appreciate!), spends a while awake and then naps until it's time to eat again. He usually enjoys being down on his mat and is very content on his tummy (which Caleb always hated!). There are times of the day that he wants to be held a lot, but it's not all day and I really don't mind those snuggly moments (most of the time).

As far as sleeping goes...he's doing well. Once he falls asleep, he transitions easily into the swing during the day. He's even fallen asleep on his own a few times in the swing lately! At night, he goes back to sleep pretty quickly after each feeding and sleeps soundly in the bassinet. He usually has one "long" stretch between feedings at night. Sometimes that's 4 hours and sometimes it's more like 7 or 8. We never really know what to expect, but those longer stretches are very appreciated! I would say they're typically more like 5 or 6 hours.

I'm guessing he's already pretty close to 9 lbs. Earlier this week he spent a day eating every 1 1/2 to 2 hours and then slept a lot the next day. I'm pretty sure that was a growth spurt and he certainly feels heavier now!

Aaron - you have enriched our lives and brought us such joy! We love you!

UPDATE: A few days after this post, Jonathan weighted Aaron....turns out we were wrong about his weight...he's closer to 10 lbs! According to online sources that puts him around the 33rd percentile.  : )

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