I'm over a week late on Aaron's 9 month update...but better late than never!
Aaron is a ball of energy! He's constantly moving from one thing to another and rarely stays with one thing for more than a few minutes.
He now has four teeth...two on top and two on bottom. They came in the same week he turned 8 months. He doesn't like to show them off though, so I have yet to get a picture of those chompers!
He has been pulling up and cruising pretty much since he started crawling. During the last week he started occasionally walking with his walking toy. He gets super excited when he starts to get moving!
I have to keep my eyes on him since he moves so fast! He's constantly into Caleb's things so I stay on my toes trying to keep things out of his reach that he shouldn't have!
He's generally a pretty happy guy, especially when he's got lots of toys to play with. Every once in a while he gets into a "hold me" mood, but brother is pretty good at getting him distracted with toys!
Eating continues to be an adventure with this little man! He still refuses to let me feed him, so we're slowly finding foods that he can eat for himself. He prefers his Gerber snacky foods, yogurt melts and cheerios, but I can get a few pieces of chicken nugget (tiny pieces!), peas and teeny carrot pieces in him every once in a while. He still takes 6-8 ounces of formula every 3 hours.
Aaron had his 9 month check up last week. I was surprised to find out that his growth has slowed significantly. He's still bigger than Caleb was at this age, but dropped a lot in the percentiles. Since he's hitting all of his milestones on time or early, his doctor isn't concerned by this change. He's still gaining and getting taller, just not as fast as he was before he turned 6 months old.
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz (5th percentile)
Height: 27 1/4 inches (13th percentile)
I was really surprised by how small the percentiles say he is since he's been in 9-12 month clothes for over a month. But overall Aaron is a happy, crazy, active boy and I'm not concerned about how he's growing or developing.
I love my crazy boy! He certainly keeps me on my toes!