Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More Rolling!

So, for the past few weeks, Caleb has been trying so hard to roll from his back to his tummy but keeps getting stuck on his side! It's actually very cute, but he's been getting frustrated. Going from his tummy to his back was much easier and he's been doing that for about a month now. Well today, Caleb was playing on his mat and rolled over on his side. I expected the usual fussing as he usually does when he wants to finish the roll. After a few grunts though, he made it all the way over! I was surprised and he seemed shocked! I put him on his back again and he rolled all the way over again! I'm so proud of him! He got better and better at rolling through the day. It was a real struggle to make it the first few times, but by the end of the day it seemed almost easy. The only problem is that he doesn't seem to understand that once on his tummy he can then roll onto his back again, so he gets fussy on his tummy and I have to put him on his back again! I'm hoping he figures this out soon!

Other than that, there isn't a whole lot going on around here. Yesterday (Tuesday) we went by GG and Papa's house to say happy belated birthday and visit for a while after running a few errands. Jonathan has had some sinus problems and a sore throat for the last few days. This is the second time he has been sick this month, I think that's more than he got sick the whole time he was in college! I'm hoping this isn't the beginning of a new trend for him. Hopefully Jonathan continues to feel better and gets over this quickly. I hate when he's not feeling well.

I hope everyone is having a great week out there!

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