Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What We've Been Up To...

I recently realized that my posts have really slowed down this summer. It's not that we haven't been busy, there just hasn't been much that was worthy of it's own post. So, as we enter the last few weeks of summer's what we've been up to! 

At the beginning of summer, Caleb and I made a few batches of play dough. I bought some ABC cookie cutters and he's been enjoying telling me which letters he stamps. 

Having the playhouse upstairs has been a big blessing between all the rain and then heat we've had this summer (not to mention those lovely mosquitos). The boys spend a lot of time playing together there and on the little slide we moved upstairs. 

 During the afternoons, there's usually a battle for resting in Mommy's lap. One day last week I happened to have my phone nearby and captured a sweet brotherly moment.

I LOVE seeing Caleb's arm wrapped around Aaron. He does this often, especially when Aaron is upset. It is so sweet! 
Front view of my sweet boys. 
 We recently moved Aaron to the booster chair. He's doing great in it and I love not having that huge high chair in my way all the time!

Caleb and I have spent a lot of time at Palm beach or the swimming pool this summer. I never get good pictures because I'm terrified of dropping my camera in the water. While we were at Palm Beach today, I decided to chance it and take some pictures with my phone. 
Eating lunch, please forgive the open mouth, I couldn't get him to smile! 
Smiling because he was being a stinker and burying his friend's leg! 
These three spent a while digging in the sand today. 
Still burying her foot. 
Walking over to the splash pad for one last play time before we changed for the day.  I love that both big kids grabbed the wagon without being told!  
Playing in the splash pad. 
He has a lot of fun at the bigger water areas at Palm Beach too, but I was too afraid to bring anything electronic to those areas!

The boys have fun on their "bikes" as we call them. Again, it's too hot to do much outside, so we have fun in the house!

I know this last picture is extremely blurry, but you get a brief glimpse of one of Aaron's cute expressions. Love this silly goof!

So...that's what we've been up to! We spend most weekday mornings at the gym, run an errand or two when needed, and then have fun playing inside! We have a few more weeks of this fun routine and then back to school we'll go!

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