Thursday, April 7, 2011

26 Weeks

I just got home from my 26 week appointment. I know I keep saying this, but where is time going? How is it possible that I'm almost in my 3rd trimester? CRAZY!

Everything is checking out well for baby Aaron and I. He is growing (as you can see by the belly!) and moving all the time. I remember Caleb moving around more often, but when Aaron moves - he really lets me know! So while it's less often, I'm actually less comfortable than I remember being with Caleb because this one is so strong. He is most active in the evening and at night. I rarely feel him during the day, but that's probably because I'm going non stop from the moment I wake up until Jonathan gets home in the evening. When I finally get still though, I'm not sure if he's punching, kicking, or doing flips - but I certainly feel it! Jonathan is now able to feel many of Aaron's movements too.

As far as weight gain... according to the doctor's scale (which I'm having trouble believing) I only gained 1 pound this month. Which brings me to a total of 5 pounds gained (still at a net change of -17 pounds). Again, if you look at last month's pic and this month's - I don't see how I only gained 1 pound. I think they are just trying to mess with me. Clearly, Aaron is growing fine, so I'm not worried about my weight.

On a side note, I must say - I have a wonderful husband! Most evenings, by the time Jonathan gets home I'm pretty tired and he has been great about taking over with Caleb so that I can rest. I hear about so many dads that have no idea how to do anything with their toddler, but Jonathan is confidant and able to take my place when needed!

Caleb has his 18 month check up tomorrow, so I'll be back on soon enough with some new stats for him. I'm excited to see how much he's grown. I know he's been putting on some healthy weight here lately! I sure do love my crazy big boy!

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