Friday, March 18, 2011


Caleb and I have kept super busy during our Spring Break! Our week looked like this:

Monday - errands, chores, time at home
Tuesday - morning at my parents, afternoon running errands
Wednesday - Caleb spent the morning with Mal while I was at church and the afternoon was more errands
Thursday - Kristen and Eli came down and we all spent time with GG, Grandma and Derrill
Friday - morning at my parents house again and in the afternoon we crashed!

So it is now Friday evening, Caleb has gone to bed for the night and this momma is worn out! We had a great week, but I'm glad we don't have that kind of schedule every week!

I didn't take many pictures this week, it was mostly just hanging out with family, but today I got a few. My mom was making us grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, I went to the restroom and when I came back, this is what I found:

The blue bell container was cleaned out and had been on the counter. Don't worry - she didn't give him ice cream before lunch! He's not allowed on the counters at our house, so he had fun with Grandma!

We've also been working on a little bit of sign language at home. He's best with "more", everything else he just kind of points and grunts for still. But, today, he seems to have mastered a new sign!

(If you don't know - the sign for "please" is an open hand going in a circular motion over the chest)

We sat there forever opening and closing the clip and he would sign "please" each time. Such a cutie!

Hopefully this weekend is a relaxing one compared to the past week, we'll just have to see what the weekend holds : )

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