Saturday, March 12, 2011

22 Weeks

Wow...this pregnancy is flying by! I can't believe I'm already 22 weeks along, and I only have around a month left in my 2nd trimester. This baby is going to be here before we know it!

I have been feeling him move for several months, but I'm now getting some of the stronger kicks! I love those feelings. When Caleb moved he tended to have several kicks in a row, so it was easy for Jonathan to feel. This one tends to kick once and then be still for a while, so Jonathan hasn't felt him yet, but I feel sure it'll be soon. I really wish I had kept some kind of journal (or blog) while I was pregnant with Caleb so I would have more to compare to!

I've been loosing weight through my pregnancy, but at the doctor yesterday I found out I have finally started to gain. According to the dr's office I have lost 15 pounds, but I know I had started to loose prior to my first appointment. I think I lost a total of 22 pounds. Not at all the direction I was supposed to go, but I lost quite a bit with Caleb as well. As of my appointment yesterday, I have now gained back 4 pounds. The doc would have liked me to gain more than that, but I'm happy with it - at least the scale is going in the correct direction now!

As far as "planning" is going...well, we haven't really planned anything. Sorry little's not that we don't care, there's just less urgency to get everything done this time around! We are 95% sure of his name, but aren't announcing anything just yet. But as far as registering for a few items or picking out nursery things...we haven't done anything. Jonathan did move the changing table from Caleb's room to downstairs a few weeks ago so it would be in a central location for both kids, and I'm enjoying not having to go up the stairs every time Caleb needs a new diaper.

Not much else to report on. I feel like in the last two weeks I have suddenly exploded and started to show my bump. I don't mind looking pregnant, but I was a bit shocked at how quickly I went from feeling pudgy to pregnant. It literally felt overnight and every day since then I feel bigger than the previous day! I guess that means little boy is growing the way he should be. I made the jump this weekend from regular jeans with a band to maternity pants, I don't know why I put it off so long, they are much more comfy!

Here's me at 22 weeks. I didn't take many pictures of myself when I was pregnant with Caleb, so nothing to compare it to. But you can tell Little Boy is in there!

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