Caleb turned 9 months on Saturday...CRAZY! I just can't believe how quickly time has gone by! We had his check up this morning and he is doing great! He didn't even cry when they pricked his finger for a blood test! Wow, every sentence so far has had an exclamation point...can you tell I'm excited and amazed? Hehe...
Height: 25 1/2 inches (.06%)
Weight: 14 lbs 5.5 oz (.03%)
Favorite Food: Meals with chicken, bread, puffs, yogurt melts (he's a pretty good eater, he'll eat just about anything I give him!) Drinks water from his sippy cup
Fun Things to Do: Crawls everywhere, walks with his walker, "walks" while holding onto furniture, crawling up the stairs, puts toys in his mouth to hold onto them while crawling
Talking: Says "Dada" when he's playing or excited, "Momma" when he's upset and "hihhy" when he sees the cats (kitty)
What amazes me: How well he does when we're out. He sits well in the basket of store shopping carts and looks around, very rarely fusses. When we're out to eat he lasts quite a while in the high chair while we eat. Don't get me wrong, he amazes me almost constantly, but I'm most amazed at how well behaved he is when we're out of the house.
There's plenty more I could say about our amazing little man. But that's most of the highlights for this month. I'm so grateful that we have a healthy, developing little boy that's such a delight to others. His personality has nothing to do with us and everything to do with his Maker. Thank you Father God for trusting us with this little blessing!
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