Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A New Adventure...the World of Food!

Caleb has begun his adventure in the world of food! We talked about waiting til 6 months, but lets face it - it's hard to wait that long! So, we changed our minds and decided 5 1/2 months would be ok : ) Last Wednesday we took the plunge and mixed up some rice cereal. Before I tell you how it went, I must say that Caleb has been very intently watching our food for weeks! It's like he's already obsessed with it! Anytime we crinkle a wrapper he turns his head and he watches the food go into our mouths! It's very cute.

So, back to Wednesday. That evening we put Caleb in his high chair and mixed up some runny rice cereal. I expected a fit quite honestly! He doesn't usually like being strapped in anywhere and this was extremely new, so I thought it would be a disaster. Ha! Was I wrong! He sat in his chair and wiggled his legs while letting Jonathan and I shovel in that cereal. Majority of it ended up on his bib, but that was to be expected! Toward the end I did hear some swallows and the food stayed in his mouth for longer periods of time. He seemed very content to feel the texture in his mouth. I was so glad things started off this well.

Well, Wednesday was great... Thursday was another thing all together. Ok, I admit, it's my fault. I thought it would be more convenient to mix his cereal with formula instead of my milk. He took one taste of the cereal and that was it, the gloves were off! He refused to open his mouth, fussed, squirmed to get out, and just was not happy! While Jonathan worked with him, I made a new bowl of cereal as I had the night before. We went from a spoonful of formula cereal and screaming to a pleasant boy eating his dinner with the first spoonful of Mommy cereal. I had NO IDEA this would be such a big deal for him! We'll see if I make that mistake again!

Since then things have gone pretty well. There have been a few nights that he really wasn't interested and a few that he ate the whole bowl full. We're still learning how to time his solid food with nursing and what works for him, but it hasn't been horrible so far! I plan on sticking with the rice cereal for a little while and then adding in veggies and fruits. It's the beginning of a new adventure, but I'm excited for this new step!

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