Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Nursery

My baby went to the church nursery on Sunday for the first time! He does great with us during church, but the last few times he has been distracting to people around us, so we decided it was time. Luckily, I volunteer in peewees, so I know the people in charge and have complete faith in the caregivers. When I handed him to the person behind the counter my heart fluttered a little. He's really only stayed with family so far and I didn't know how he would do with a stranger. I don't know why I was worried! He did so well. I watched through the glass for a few minutes after I left and he was just fine with the woman he was with. I tried really hard to focus on the sermon during church, but I have to admit I kept thinking "Let's get done so I can go get him!" I think God understands in those situations though! When I got to the desk to pick him up he was waking up from a nap in the swing. Our friend Jessica volunteers for that service so I was able to ask her how he did and she said he was great! He played for a little while and then got tired so he took a little nap! He was just waking up when I got there. I was so concerned that he would be fussy when he didn't recognize any faces. I know every Sunday won't be that perfect, but it's nice that I didn't come back to him crying.

Besides our new Sunday morning experience, Caleb had his first Super Bowl this weekend. I think he enjoyed the first 3 quarters, but decided to sleep in the 4th! He also had his first walk in the stroller without using the carseat. He sat facing forward in the regular seat! He looked like such a big boy and was much happier! I think he liked looking out at the world around him instead of staring up at me! I guess he sees me all the time!

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