Tuesday, September 3, 2013

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...

I have always like that book! If you're not familiar, it's a cute children's story. It follows the day of a mouse who is given a cookie. Of course, he can't have a cookie without a glass of milk. And then he needs a straw for the milk and then a napkin and continues on with many more "and thens". I tend to be a lot like that mouse. I start out with one idea and then it explodes and takes on a life of its own. Take, for example, my birthday! 

I asked Jonathan if I could have a better storage solution for my craft room closet for my birthday. I hated the unused potential of the space and wanted all my crafting gear in the same place. He and I took a drive to Ikea and bought an awesome bookcase and some baskets. 

Here begins the problem...if my closet is so amazing, shouldn't the rest of the room be even better? Seems wrong for the closet to be the highlight. The craft room was blue from when it originally was the nursery and I wasn't wild about my furniture placement. And Jonathan was going to be gone for about a a week, perfect time for a big project, right?!? 

So a simple closet organization job turned into moving everything, painting, putting furniture back and then organizing before Jonathan came back last night! This job served as a great project for nap time and evenings while Jonathan was gone and I'm super happy with the results! 

Here's the closet that started it all. A big closet, with basic clothing storage...not the best for a craft/sewing room. 

And here's the after: tons of spaces for fabric and crafting gear and room for more! (and all my gift wrapping items, kid's memory boxes, project books and other lovelies!) 

Here's the after of the room. I can't find any pictures of the room before. I'm certain we must have at least one, even just as a background picture..maybe I'll eventually find it! Notice the new paint job! Yay! 

Thanks to my financiers and energizers for your assistance during this project! All crazy Melissa projects were funded through generous birthday gifts and coffee was purchased with some beautiful Starbucks giftcards! None of this could haven been accomplished without both! 

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