Sunday, March 4, 2012

February: Weight Loss Update

Just another weight loss update...
My total weight loss for February was....  7 pounds!
That brings my total to 12 pounds lost since mid January!

Thanks for letting me celebrate. I'm pretty sure this is the most I've ever intentionally lost within a single diet/exercise plan period...and probably the longest I've gone without giving up. I'm beginning to have issues keeping my pants up - such an awesome problem!

Here are a few things I've been looking at to keep motivated.

(I'm writing this as I recover from a tough workout...I can definitely say I am not pretty right now!)

and this one...

I've been really good about not snacking, but when I start to want to cave I remember this picture!

Hopefully I'll continue with more great weight-loss news at the end of March!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great work babe! I'm so proud of you!
    - Jonathan
