Saturday, September 24, 2011

Randomness from the Week

We're keeping busy, as usual, around here. I'm so glad we're beginning to see a change in the weather. Texas is still seeing highs in the low to mid 90s but, after a summer of record breaking heat, the 90s feel wonderful! 

Other news from the Lutz household... Aaron is already outgrowing his 0-3 month clothes! I pulled down the next size and washed them a few days ago. Those outfits are a little big, but that's better than the other clothes that are getting too snug. He's really getting bigger and changing quickly. OH...and the biggest news of all... 5 of the past 6 nights he SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! I can't believe I almost forgot to mention that! He's been sleeping from 9:30 until between 6 and 7 in the morning. Oh, what a wonderful feeling to wake up in the morning and realize it's not 4am! 

We're also beginning to hear a few more words from Caleb. Here lately we've started to hear "apple", "choo choo", "kitty", "bubble", and "chip". We're hoping this means he's getting ready to start talking and letting us know what he wants. Only time will tell, I guess! 

If you haven't noticed...I'm trying to do a post each weekend with all of our random moments from the week. Hence the title, Randomness from the Week. I really don't know how else to refer to the various pictures I'm posting! With that being said...enjoy!

Aaron fell asleep while playing on his mat. I hope that hand tasted good : )
Jonathan asked Caleb to help him bring in a box of diapers. He brought it in and used it as a seat at the back door. 
When I asked him to bring it to the playroom, Orion had to help too. 
My big helper. 
Having fun outside now that the weather is slightly cooler. 

I helped Aaron hold onto the loop and he held onto it for a while. He was very focused. 
Shake, shake! 
(At the end, I comment about Aaron's ending...playing the video back, I noticed you can't hear his lovely little toot, but that's what I was referring to)
Looking up during tummy time. 
Watching Mommy. 
Playing with duplos. I wonder if he was sorting them by color or if that was a coincidence?
Helping Mommy in the kitchen. Look at those long legs!
Handsome boy! 

Aaron's first attempt at a bottle...can we say FAIL! Pretty much everything fell apart after this peaceful looking moment....sigh. 
PS - If anything in this post doesn't make sense it's because I'm attempting to watch the Aggie game against Oklahoma State while's kind of hard to focus! I think it's only appropriate to end with, Go Aggies! WHOOP!!! 

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