Sunday, November 14, 2010

Randomness from the week

Well, I've got a few random moments to here we go! 

First, if you know Caleb at all, you know that he NEVER sits still. I hope as he gets older he'll be capable of sitting still for more than 5 seconds, but right now he isn't! So it surprised me one morning when I found him like this!

He sat in front of the tv like that for almost 5 minutes! It was so peaceful! So, now his bumbo chair is staying out even though he's too big for it. Maybe this is the way Mommy will have some calm moments! 

Second, Lana came over on Friday so that Sarah could run to a doctor appointment. Caleb was napping when she got there and she had fallen asleep on the way over, so we made a pallet in living room for her to lay down. I figured she'd wake up shortly after being laid down (I know Caleb would have), but she stayed asleep for over an hour! It was the easiest babysitting job I've ever had. Both kids were asleep for all but 15 minutes! 

As you can see, the cats were interested, but behaved very well! 

Third, quite some time ago we were given a musical bear from a friend. Caleb has always loved it, but we were the ones that had to turn it on and off. He's finally figured out how to do it himself. It's cute to see him go up to his bear and suddenly make the music go. He's even started "dancing" a little to the music. I'm working on getting a video of that, when I do I'll post it - he's so cute! 

Lastly, we finally get to use the fireplace again! We've had some cooler mornings lately and I'd much rather turn on the fireplace than the heater. Last year at this time, Caleb wasn't moving around so the fireplace wasn't a safety issue, this year is much different. We have always said he couldn't get on the fireplace, but the glass gets so hot we were afraid in the one minute we weren't watching he would touch it. So we got a pretty screen to go in front of the glass to keep him safe. I'm so excited to have the option to turn it on again and I love the screen Jonathan found! I think Orion is pretty happy about it too : )

That's all the updates from our little world! Caleb and I have been very busy with PeeWee school and our normal errands/chores. I've had some time lately to work on my sewing room, it's coming together but not quite ready to show off.

I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful fall season leading up to the holidays. This is my absolute favorite time of year!

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun to see Caleb enjoying the bear. Wish we could have brought it with us for Gavin, but it makes me happy to see him loving on it!! miss you guys
