Sunday, November 14, 2010

Early Thanksgiving

On Saturday evening, Jonathan's sisters and their families joined us at his Dad's house for an early Thanksgiving get together.

Sarah and I decided to get together early so that Lana and Caleb could play together before dinner. They had fun following each other and mimicking what the other was doing. Ron and Dao have a wiener dog, Sassy, and she kept giving Caleb kisses. He wasn't so sure about them, but never got fussy. Dao even brought out a few containers with lids that kept the kids occupied for a while. It's funny, toys weren't really needed, tupperware seems to do the job!

Playing with some tennis balls

Lana wearing Aunt Laura's headband

How many kids can sit in one booster chair?

Caleb really wanted the answer to be 2!

Still fighting over the booster.... but nicely.  ; )

Laura and Drew had to drive down from the north side of Houston after she got off work, so we played until they got there and then sat down to our American Thanksgiving dinner. Dao always makes fantastic Vietnamese dishes for us, but she decided to go classic this year. The meal was fantastic! We even had apple pie and pumpkin pie for dessert.

All of us around the table

Caleb and Mommy
We enjoyed visiting with family, catching up with each other and letting the kiddos play together. It was after 9 when we finally decided we had better get Caleb home so he could go to sleep.

Thanks Ron and Dao for having us all over, it was a wonderful time!

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