Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sooooooo Big!

Grandma Mal asks Caleb how big he is and then she stretches out her arms and says "Sooooooo big"! This week I definitely feel like he is "so big!".

To start, I'll share his "stats" from his 1 year well baby appointment.

Height: 27 3/4" (2%)

Weight: 16lbs 7 oz (.08%)

Yes, he's still tiny, but he's growing and getting a little more height. The doctor was pleased with how much he gained since his 9 month appointment and he is walking so steadily!

In the past week it seems like he has just grown in so many ways though!

Outside Time: If we're outside and the boys across the street are out Caleb wants to go play with them. He runs into the street faster than I can stop him (thankfully we live in a cul-de-sac so it's not a big safety issue). He can't understand that the big boys on scooters are a lot bigger than he is! There are little steps from the garage into the driveway and at the end of the driveway and he spent a long time this week at both areas going up and down trying to walk over them. He now steps down each one like a pro! (He attempted that on our stairs this week too with less than great results...his little legs aren't ready for those big steps just yet!)

Toys: He's very into balls right now (hence the ball pit for his birthday) and duplo legos. Caleb sits for 10-15 minutes with two blocks putting them together and taking them apart over and over again, and he gets frustrated when he can't get them together! So cute!

Meal Time: Caleb has now moved to a "booster" high chair at meal time. We felt that he really didn't need the full high chair anymore, but we still needed something with a tray. This has been perfect and when he's ready to start eating at the table we can just remove the tray and use it as a booster seat.

Food: Everything! So far we do not have a picky eater and he eats A LOT! The boy can eat 5 chicken nuggets (cut up of course) and half a fruit cup at one meal! Goldfish are his current favorite snack - though we limit those because he tries to stuff far too many in his mouth at a time and scares his momma!

Bed Time: Are you familiar with the zip/button pajamas most little kids wear? Well, Caleb is done with those! It has been common for him to bring up his legs in the middle of the night and when he stretches both legs end up in the same leg hole..not a big deal! Well, not too long ago we went to get him up and he had kicked out so forcefully that he tore out the zipper! With the nights getting a little cooler now we decided to get him some big boy pajamas with a separate shirt and pants....see how cute he is!

Car Time: We are in the process of getting a bigger carseat. He's nowhere near outgrowing it in weight, but he's beginning to reach the height limit.

Church Time: Today we moved Caleb into the big boy class at PeeWees! He's been in the wiggler room since the first time we dropped him off back in January! It was kind of hard for me to let go of him, but I have interacted with all of those women for quite some time, so it was a comfort knowing he was in good hands.

I feel like I ask Jonathan every day where our baby went! He's really jumped into toddlerhood and isn't looking back! His personality comes through more and more each day. We are so thankful for our little man and the joy he brings us each day!

And sorry little boy, you'll always be our baby, no matter how much you learn and grow!

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