Friday, January 28, 2011

Fun at the Park

Today we had amazing weather! 75 degrees and sunny with a light breeze. It felt like spring! We've been having rainy weather here and are expecting more rain over the weekend, so Caleb and I decided to take advantage of the BEAUTIFUL day and head to League Park. 

I called Sarah and Lana to join us and we invited Grandma Mal to watch the kids have fun. I'm glad we had the opportunity to enjoy playing with Lana today, her family is moving to Colorado next week, so we won't have nearly as many opportunities to play together. 

The cousins went everywhere this afternoon. I don't know about Sarah and Mal, but this momma was exhausted after chasing Caleb for an hour! He went through tunnels, played on the swing, ran everywhere and found a million sticks and rocks. He's definitely getting faster, but with that seems to come more falls. I think he got two more bruises while we were there, but none of that seemed to phase him. 

I didn't have the chance to take out my camera as I was chasing a little boy everywhere, but Grandma Mal got a few. 

The tunnel is definitely one of Caleb's favorite spots. He was following Lana through this time! 

There's a really neat musical area at the park. This is the post with the speaker. Both kids loved hearing different instruments. 

Aunt Sarah and Lana with us at the park! 

Thanks Grandma for taking some pictures! We had a great time playing with Lana and will hate sending her off next week. As for today, I'm attempting to stay awake until 9 and then I'll crash! It's hard to keep up with a toddler! 

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