Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Caleb's 15 month checkup

How is Caleb 15 months old already? It's so fun to watch him at this age....his little personality has taken over and there's no stopping him! Here's some stats from his 15 month checkup.

Weight: 17 lbs 14.5 oz (.13%) (he's gaining steadily, but staying in the lower percentile)

Height: 29 1/4" (5%) (Yes - he suddenly got  a lot taller!)

I knew he had gotten taller, but didn't realize just how much taller. It's crazy to see it on paper. I realize most people will see 5% and still think tiny, but to think he went from nearly 0% to 5% is a big difference for me.

On top of the stats, I'm amazed at how much he has grown since his 1 year appointment developmentally.

- He listens very well and responds quickly to "no", we very rarely have to do time out.

- He crawls up the stairs very fast and has recently figured out how to hold onto the wall or rails and "walk" down...we stand right in front of him so he can't fall far if he does and his tushy usually hits the step as he walks, but, as far as he is concerned, he's walking like Mommy and Daddy.

- He eats almost all of his meals well, occasionally he doesn't want what we offer, but after a few minutes of fussing he will at least try what's on his plate. There have been a few things he really just didn't seem to like, but for the most part he finishes everything on his plate at meals. Given how much he eats, I don't see how he isn't much heavier...guess he takes after his Daddy.

- He loves school/church and gets excited when we get there. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even notice that I'm gone from him on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (Part of that is due to his amazing teachers, Mrs. Autumn and Mrs. Kelly!)

- He "talks" all the time....wish I knew what he was thinking! He also laughs all the time. He giggles at the cats (especially Tiger) and laughs like he has his own inside joke. He just recently learned how to kiss and still isn't always sure how to do it, but it's so sweet when he does!

- During prayer time he is learning to do "prayer hands". He kind of claps them together a few times, but it's obvious he's seeing that Mommy and Daddy keep their hands together and is trying to do the same thing.

He really is a wonderful boy. We have occasional rough moments, usually when I'm trying to finish in the kitchen or haven't had as much time to play with him, but those moments are not the regular.

Sorry for the long post, but as I look over posts I wrote a year ago when he was 3 months, I wish I had written more at each of his checkups. I love looking back at each post and seeing how much he has grown and changed and remembering things he used to do. I love our little man so much and love that I get to be his Mommy!

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